Friday, February 24, 2012

10 Time Management Tips

Managing your time and using it wisely is a journey, and not something that can be easily mastered overnight. Implementing a plan will help, but it is not going to be a sure cure. Time management requires a significant amount of self-discipline.

Here are some tips to assist you with time management...
1. Set Goals
Set both short-term and long-term goals for your work day, work week, and work year. Take the time to make a written list of your goals, which will allow you to refer back to the list when you need some guidance. Keep in mind that it is okay to adjust the goals as your business needs or your role changes. Use them as a tool to guide you.

2. Mini-Rewards
All work an no play is a difficult concept to sustain for very long. Build rewards into your schedule. If there is a task you really dislike, follow it with a task that you greatly enjoy. Build "mini-rewards" into your schedule to increase your productivity.

3. Keep Lists
Keep a running "To Do" list. The To Do list should contain both daily tasks as well as longer-term tasks. Having a To Do list will help keep your attention on the projects that require attention, and prevent some items from slipping through the cracks and being forgotten.

4. Be Realistic
Keep your expectations realistic. No one can do everything, and with that it mind, try to set realistic expectations of what you can hope to accomplish.

5. Prioritize
Prioritize the list of things to do. Some items might require immediate attention, while others may be necessary but not as urgent. And after prioritizing, try not to become a "firefighter" and only react to the urgent items. Be sure to still give proper attention to non-urgent items as well, as they are important too.

6. Use Time Wisely
If there are blocks of time that you spend waiting or commuting, figure out ways to use that time being productive! Reading, writing, proof-reading, reviewing your schedule, planning for your next activity, etc, are all things that can usually be done remotely to fill in some of the unavoidable "dead" time in your schedule. Try to find interesting and unusual productive things to do during those periods of downtime.

7. Set Limits
Set reasonable time limits for tasks. When working on those tasks, monitor the time that each item is taking.

8. Organize Work Space
Organize your work space, and remove any excessive clutter. Spending time looking for something is a waste of time... and time is a precious commodity. Both your computer files and your physical working area should be organized so that you can easily locate anything you need in a moments notice.

9. Minimize Distractions
If you find yourself consumed by social media, facebook, instant messaging, or other social mediums, set aside a specific and timed period of the day for participating in the online social community. Other than those specific periods of time, set your status to "unavailable" so that you are not interrupted throughout the work day. Minimize interruptions and distractions as much as possible.

10. Reflect
At the end of the day, reflect on what you accomplished. If you were unable to account for a specific period of time, or you found a given day to be particularly unproductive, take an inventory and try to determine where your time management system broke down.

Keep in mind that not every day is going to be as productive as you would hope. Unexpected things always come up, and no matter how hard you try, your expectations just might not be realistic. Do not become discouraged. Instead, simply stay focused and make an effort to increase your productivity the next day.
Alfalah Consulting:

Komus-J Walit : Projek Koperasi Muslimin Johor

Mesyuarat AJK Koperasi Muslimin Perhubungan Negeri Johor yang turut membincangkan Projek Perusahaan Sarang Burung Walit.

AJK Komus Perhubungan Negeri Ketika Mengadakan Lawatan Tapak ketika di awal projek pada Julai 2011

Kakitangan pengurusan Koperasi turut datang membuat lawatan ke tapak projek

Persiapan awal sebelum pembinaan bangunan rumah burug walit dimulakan

Alhamdulillah, dengan diketuai oleh Ust. Nurazmalail, kini Koperasi Muslimin Perhubungan Johor telah berjaya mengembling tenaga mengusahakan ternakan burung walit bagi menghasilkan sarang burung walit yang bernilai komersial. Bangunan bernilai RM100,000.00 adalah pengemblingan ahli-ahli di Johor dengan sokongan ALK Koperasi Muslimin.

Projek tersebut terletak dikawasan pinggir tapak Sek Men Agama Al-Masriyah Simpang Renggam, Keluang Johor.

Para pelabur-pelabur yang terdiri dari 9 orang anggota Koperasi telah mengumpulkan dana mencapai RM77,000.00 dengan kaedah mudharabah dengan pihak Koperasi Muslimin yang menyumbang sejumlah RM23,000.00.

Apabila hasil dituai dari perusahaan ini yang akan diurus oleh Komus J-Walit dengan tenaga pengusaha dikalangan staf dan murid-murid sekolah berkenaan, pihak sekolah akan mendapat pembahagian keuntungan dalam peratus tertentu yang dipersetujui bersama.

Mudah-mudahan, projek ini akan berjaya dan ianya juga akan memberi manfaat kepada semua pihak samaada pihak pelabur-pelabur mahupun pihak sekolah.

Feb. 2012: Pengerusi dan JKuasa Koperasi Negeri Johor melawat ke tapak projek yang hampir siap dibina.

Ustaz Abu Khairon (AJK Koperasi) menunjukkan bagaimana burug walit akan bergantung membuat sarang di dalam bangunan yang dibina.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012



21 Januari 2012

Kepada : Semua Ahli MUBIN

YBhg Dato’/Datin/Tuan/Puan


Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa Mesyuarat Agung Kedua akan diadakan sepertimana berikut:-

Tarikh : 4 Februari 2012 (Sabtu)

Masa : 8.30 Pagi - 1.00 Petang

Tempat : De Palma Hotel, Shah Alam (Google Map : Klik Sini)

Yuran : RM 25 Sahaja

2. Ahli diminta untuk menjelaskan tunggakan Yuran Masuk dan Yuran TahunanAhli 2011 (jika ada) dan Yuran Tahunan 2012 ke dalam Akaun Maybank PERSATUAN JARINGAN BISNES MUSLIM MALAYSIA. No Akaun 5622 0961 5862. Setiap bukti transaksi pembayaran hendaklah dimaklumkan melalui emel atau faks ke 03-41086319

3. Mohon sahkan kehadiran kepada sekretariat, Mohamad Amirul melalui atau sms ke 0193836859. Kehadiran semua ahli MUBIN amatlah dialu-alukan

4. Agenda Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan :

i) Melantik Pengerusi Mesyuarat

ii) Laporan Jawatankuasa MUBIN 2011/2012

iii) Laporan Kewangan 2011

iv) Perletakan Jawatan Jawatankuasa MUBIN 2011/2012 dan Perlantikan Jawatankuasa Baru dan Juruaudit Sesi 2012/2014

v) Pembentangan dan Perbincangan Usul

5. Bersama emel ini, dilampirkan cadangan usul untuk dibawa ke Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan nanti.


Yang benar,


Setiausaha, Persatuan Jaringan Bisnes Muslim Malaysia (MUBIN)